Tuesday, November 4, 2014


A few weekends ago, my friends and I decided to take a couple days and go on some adventures. We camped in an empty campground, hiked up and down waterfalls and into caves, crossed freezing cold streams, and went zip-lining for the first time. We accomplished all these things in a small town in Missouri called Eminence. It was an awesome, inexpensive weekend full of many memories so I thought I would share a little of it on the blog. Enjoy!

We headed out early Saturday morning to find some hiking trails, but unexpectedly came across this huge waterfall called Rocky Falls Shut-In. It would be an awesome place to swim and hang out for the day but since we went in the middle of October we just climbed to the top and all around it. Who knew there were such beautiful waterfalls in Missouri?

Rocky Falls Shut-In

The manly men get beat to the top by the girls

Brandon wanted to show off his knife, so this is what happened...

"Act like you're about to kill something in that opening" -Brandon

View from top of Rocky Falls

Matt trying to be a badass 

The picture above is a map of the zip-line course we conquered at Eagle Falls. We didn't take any pictures but we took some awesome Go Pro videos of it. I'm still working on editing that but stay tuned because it should be a good one. :)

After our zip-line adventure we still had amazing weather left in the day so we headed out and found a place called Alley Springs. The first thing you see when you get there is this gorgeous blue-green spring water.

There was a short mile and a half hike to an overlook so we accomplished that first.

 Hard to capture the beauty of the overlook, but you can use your imagination

On the hike back down we had fun climbing where we shouldn't be climbing, exploring creepy caves, and taking cheesy couple photos. 

 We ended the night with a delicious steak dinner and cozy bonfire. Thanks for the awesome weekend Matt and Heather and cant wait to discover more hidden treasures around us. 

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